Friday, November 7, 2008

Anne Hutchinson's Advice Column: Response to Goody Proctor

Dear Goody Proctor,

As someone who was tried as a witch myself, let me just say, I feel your pain, and I am so sorry you are facing such a hardship. I hope you will stay strong by coming to one of my study sessions. We can read scriptures that may offer you comfort in your time of need.

I know you may be hesitating to ask because you don't want to interfere in your husband's communication with God, feeling as I do that souls should have freedom of conscience. I can also see that you are disturbed by Ms. Abigail Williams' relations between herself and your husband. You really are a strong person, Elizabeth, and God is proud of you for being so courageous with anything that comes to you.

Don't feel so bad for yourself. This can get you sick, mentally. You should not worry about your accusation or your husband's, because in the Bible, God tells us to never worry about what is going to happen. If the Lord says not to worry, then don't worry. If you really love God, then make him happy. Let God be responsible for you or your husband's accusation. Listen to what your heart tells you to do. Later on, everything is going to change, the whole economy and rules. Come to my study sessions and I promise you won't suffer.

Your humble and submissive sister in Christ,

Goody Hutchinson

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