Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Synthesis Essay: Using Evidence Well

Porter Contreras

Since the uprising of America in 1776 to present day, past the civil war; America has done its best to maintain the promise of equality for all. During revolutionary times, the African Americans were treated as slaves. during the civil war, the government was able to abolish slavery. The constitution, over 282 years old, has constantly changed in order to ensure the right of equality, as written in the Bill of Rights. Despite what anyone might say, the American government has fulfilled its promise of equality.

In the U.S today, there’s still some slight prejudice feelings; but its despite the best efforts of the U.S. government, which has done everything that’s possible with their limited availability of power. For example, in “Mother Tongue,” Amy writes, “The fact that people in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants didn’t take her seriously, didn’t give her good service, pretended not tot understand her, or even acted as she wasn’t there.” The U.S. constitution is not at fault here, is the prejudiced thought of people which causes inequality among society. There’s no secret police monitoring the levels of equality in the streets, that would be insane.(source B)

Often, the fault of inequality in America is not due to is not due to the constitution, but to the lack of awareness, of those who try to enforce it. For example, in “The Garcia Girls,” Alvarez writes, “ Out of the sight of the nuns, the boys pelted Carla with stones, aiming them at her feet so their would be no bruises.” The point is that people wouldn’t treat other people unequally in front of an authority figure because they wouldn’t want to get in trouble with the civil rights laws. There are laws that enforce civil rights, but there isn’t enough time or money to actually enforce them without effecting the economy and the very own pockets of the people.(Source A)

In America the people have began to think the government is above civil rights laws. One major reason for this is the fact that the U.S. has began wire tapping our phones. In a way, this does violate our privacy laws, but its at a good price; for our freedom and our sovereignty from terrorist groups.(source F)

Lastly, the American constitution, despite its flaws, has adapted its self in the past to ensure equality. One as, a civilian, must follow these laws that have been set to protect everyone’s right to freedom and equality.

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