Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sample Synthesis Essay--Effective Use of Supporting Documents

Synthesis Essay

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest – tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” This is the lie that is located on the Statue of Liberty. America does not guarantee the democratic ideals of equality, freedom or justice as promised by the Statue of Liberty, as we see in the history of the U.S.’s treatment of the poor, homeless and immigrants.

America has not kept its promise to lift the poor or the homeless from their miserable lives. Instead “the poor have disappeared from the culture at large.” (Source D) They have been isolated from what is normal by having to work in places where “one is required to surrender one’s basic civil rights,” which is something that the poor need the most. (Source D) Without civil rights the poor or the homeless are nothing to the world. Drug tests and urinary tests are a “violation of our Fourth Amendment freedom from ‘Unreasonable search.’” (Source D) Therefore unnecessary tests are against our Bill of Rights. Why don’t lawyers or business workers get any of these tests? They are considered part of “the culture at large.” (Source D)

Immigrants in the United States believe that they are welcomed through the “golden door” and that they will “breathe free” here. In source A, a group of sisters wish to go back home because they didn’t feel like they were getting “the best the United States had to offer.” They only had “second hand stuff” and were sent to all girls’ schools were they were told they would meet the “right kind” of Americans. The promise on the Statue of Liberty does not state anything about the suffering in its promise. America has lied to the poor and to those seeking freedom. The girl from source A is a great example because she describes how the name “Garcia de la Torre didn’t mean a thing to them.” Just because they are in America doesn’t mean they are part of it.

It looks like the Statue of Liberty is doing the opposite of what it promised. Immigrants and the poor suffer from low wages and discrimination in America. As shown in source F, it seems like the Statue of Liberty is only looking out to get immigrants. It might as well hold a gun because it is trying to keep immigrants out and those already inside are slowly getting pushed out.

The United States has let down those in need and has taken what was a gift of peace and turned it into a false idea of freedom. The Statue of Liberty stands for the false idea; the lies and the suffering of the poor and immigrants. It is a great use of American sarcasm.

Sample Essay-- Effective Style and Use of Evidence

Gaby Leon
Period 2


A country can’t claim to promise equality, justice, and freedom unless it does so. Since America was founded, everyone had in mind that it is the land where there is equality, regardless of what your social or economic standing is. However, it’s been years since its establishment and we are yet to see the day when everyone is given equal treatment. Inequality in America varies from being looked down upon for coming from a different country, or feeling limited by the fact that America isn’t their homeland.

There seems to have always been this feeling of superiority among the native born Americans. Nativism, or preference and favoritism to those born in America, can be dated back to the late 1800’s. When immigration was relatively high at this point tin time, all these immigrants had to confront harsh questioning and a feeling of concern for being of a different race in a new country. Although it’s been years since this time and there have been many immigrants since, America in one way or another still manages to put immigrants down and resent them. Such is the case in source A, where the Garcia family just isn’t accepted. Their neighbor refers to them as “spics”, and constantly complains about them. Where is the justice and welcome to them there? Instead of receiving them with open arms, their neighbor next door exclaims “Go back to where you came from,” as if they were beneath her. Therefore, we see how the years have passed, yet people still refuse to be of the welcoming kind.

It seems as though America has always and will always make itself seem full of freedom and free of any crime. However, anyone can date back to the time of slavery; when blacks were considered as a lesser race due to their skin color. People come to escape a harsh reality and yet cause others the same agony they might have gone through. Such was the case with the puritans and the hard time they gave people due to religion. The colonists were now free to start a new country and establish a new government. Apparently, they also chose to put African Americans to shame by utilizing them for their own interests. In source E, an African American woman states that “de white man is de ruler of everything as far as Ah been able tuh find out.” The fact that this woman thinks like this, demonstrates how Americans oppressed African Americans long enough for them to feel completely inferior.. This is another example of America’s lack of equality. Luckily, we’ve moved beyond the point of slavery and segregation. Yet, there are still cases today where people are excluded. Just the other day, my history teacher was telling me of a time when he and his friends were asked to leave a bar due to the fact that they were all of a different race. So, even today, we can still see discrimination.

Another way in which people are put don and not treated as equal individuals, is perhaps in the filthy, tiring, and downtrodden jobs that these people are left to do. In source D, the narrator of Nickel and Dimed expresses herself about doing “an outcast’s work,” which is true, because those who are left to do all the hard labor to earn a minimum wage, are seen as beneath the rest. They are also seen as not as efficient, not good enough, not intelligent enough, etc. The least people could do is show a bit of respect for those doing jobs to help others’ lives run smoother. Yet it isn’t completely like this. Because of their standing, people get stepped all over. Thus, they remain where they are, with no help towards progression.

America has definitely come a long way since its establishment. However, it seems as though it still ahs some progress to make. That progress is yet waited upon, considering the inequality shown by some Americans. People are still treated unjustly, and looked down upon for having a low economic status, for being immigrants, or of the wrong color. A lot has been done, but there is still more needed to get done. The day is still waited upon when America can truly say it has fulfilled its promise of freedom, equality, and justice.

Synthesis Essay: Using Evidence Well

Porter Contreras

Since the uprising of America in 1776 to present day, past the civil war; America has done its best to maintain the promise of equality for all. During revolutionary times, the African Americans were treated as slaves. during the civil war, the government was able to abolish slavery. The constitution, over 282 years old, has constantly changed in order to ensure the right of equality, as written in the Bill of Rights. Despite what anyone might say, the American government has fulfilled its promise of equality.

In the U.S today, there’s still some slight prejudice feelings; but its despite the best efforts of the U.S. government, which has done everything that’s possible with their limited availability of power. For example, in “Mother Tongue,” Amy writes, “The fact that people in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants didn’t take her seriously, didn’t give her good service, pretended not tot understand her, or even acted as she wasn’t there.” The U.S. constitution is not at fault here, is the prejudiced thought of people which causes inequality among society. There’s no secret police monitoring the levels of equality in the streets, that would be insane.(source B)

Often, the fault of inequality in America is not due to is not due to the constitution, but to the lack of awareness, of those who try to enforce it. For example, in “The Garcia Girls,” Alvarez writes, “ Out of the sight of the nuns, the boys pelted Carla with stones, aiming them at her feet so their would be no bruises.” The point is that people wouldn’t treat other people unequally in front of an authority figure because they wouldn’t want to get in trouble with the civil rights laws. There are laws that enforce civil rights, but there isn’t enough time or money to actually enforce them without effecting the economy and the very own pockets of the people.(Source A)

In America the people have began to think the government is above civil rights laws. One major reason for this is the fact that the U.S. has began wire tapping our phones. In a way, this does violate our privacy laws, but its at a good price; for our freedom and our sovereignty from terrorist groups.(source F)

Lastly, the American constitution, despite its flaws, has adapted its self in the past to ensure equality. One as, a civilian, must follow these laws that have been set to protect everyone’s right to freedom and equality.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sample Synthesis Essay-- Focus on Style

Mauro Villalovos
Per. 2
Burning in the Melting Pot

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the nation for which it stands… with liberty and justice for…..some.” America, a country of immigrants, has not kept its promise to the ideals from it was constructed. Race, gender, and social status it all matters under the watchful eyes of the statue of liberty.

One of the races that helped, and allowed this nation to grow has been horribly mistreated, the African American people. According to source E, Janie was unaware of her “race” until she was six years of age. At school, she was teased for being black. She was hated without any justification at all. The black race continued to suffer, even after being “emancipated” by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.

To big corporations, the word “equality” exists only in fictitious stories and folklore. In source D, an employee of Wal-Mart shows the qualities of the modern slave, the wage slave. Wal-Mart, according to source D, likes to make it’s employees feel like associates, to convince the human that he or she is not a slave, that he or she is equal to them, even though the company takes away your civil rights and freedoms as soon as your foot touches the entrance. If your belongings are on their property your boss has the right to examine it, ladies and gentlemen, George Orwell’s nightmare has already been implemented in our society. The Wal-Mart employees and other company slaves leave their freedoms outside of the work place and enter Hitler’s vision of the world. You’re under surveillance from cameras, other employees, your boss, consumers. You get paid minimum wage to become a slave, and this is what it means to be a wage slave. After all wasn’t the American Revolution made to erase such injustices?

As a whole, we all love privacy when we shower and when we attend to other such matters. But source F tells us our phone conversations are anything but private. America loves to keep a close eye on us. Share a different belief and you will find an unmarked van in front of your house. Say something negative about President Bush and you will find yourself in Guantanamo Bay with the rest of the “terrorists”

In 1978, Congress passed the foreign intelligence surveillance Act which gives them insight on your personal life. With his committee, Bush passed a bill which allowed wiretapping without warrants. George Bush was told that such moves were unconstitutional, and he replied with “it’s just a god damn piece of paper!” such disregard for the structure of our nation shows the “democratic” totalitarian rule.

Life in America is unequal; the rich get richer and the poor get power. A nation built for free enterprisers, and big business. America is a giant honeycomb, and the average person is the honey bee. The only thing that separates the average American from the honey bee, is the bee is not mistreated and judged; it isn’t asked to be quiet; and most importantly, it has wings and can fly away and be free.